Rules for Submitting

  • In Vetexpo-2021 International Congress of Veterinary Sciences; original researches, compilations, and case reports will be accepted orally or as posters.
  • Abstracts of communiqués that are submitted from domestic should also be sent in Turkish.
  • The communiqué proposals sent from the web page will be evaluated by the scientific committee. If the submitted communiqué is accepted, results will be provided by mail and an acceptance letter will be sent.
  • Approval of the ethics committee must be obtained for the studies conducted on animals, the name of the approving institution, and the date of approval must be indicated.
  • The scientific committee may offer to convert the submitted oral communiqué into a poster.
  • At least one of the authors of the accepted communiqué must do the registration procedures to the congress.
  • The deadline for submitting communiqué is 15.04.2022.
  • No changes can be made to the submitted communiqués.
  • * *Communiqués accepted as posters will be presented only digitally. Hence the PowerPoint, etc. posters prepared in the programs should be converted to PDF and forwarded to the technical team before the congress. E-Mail:
  • * The prepared poster does not need to be brought in printed form.
The rules to be followed in the preparation of the communiqué.
Rules to be followed in the preparation of abstract communiqué.
The abstract should not exceed 300 words in research articles, reviews, and case reports. Abstracts should be written using double space, Times New Roman font, and 12 points size. The communiqués must be in Word format. Abstracts of communiqués to be submitted should contain sections on purpose, material, and method, findings, and results in research articles. A maximum of 5 keywords should be written at the bottom of the summary.

Rules to be followed in the preparation of full-text communiqué.
All communiqués must be prepared in English. Full-text should be written using double space, Times New Roman font, and the communiqués must be in Word format. Research articles should contain the sections "summary, introduction, materials and methods, findings, discussion, results, and sources". Case reports should consist of ‘abstract, introduction, case, discussion, and references' sections. There should be sections "abstract, introduction, conclusion, and references" in the compilations. Full- texts should be configured as follows.

Title page
On the title page, the title of the article, the names, and surnames of the authors should be written. The address of the institution and e-mail address (of all authors) where the author works under their names should be provided. Funds or organizations that support the study, if any, should also be indicated.

The abstract should not exceed 300 words in research articles and compilations and 150 words in case reports. It should contain the aim, methods, findings, and conclusion of the research. There is no need for these sections in case reports.

Keywords should be given in a separate line immediately after the summary. Maximum 5 words or terms that are not used in the title related to the study can be presented as keywords.

The introductory part should explain the basis of the research and why this research is necessary. In addition, the aim of the study should be clearly stated at the end of this section, as a separate paragraph.

Materials and methods
In the materials and methods section, sufficient information should be provided so that other researchers can repeat the study. The number, age, sex, breed, or lineage of the animals used in the study should be indicated. The source of all products or equipment used in the experiments should be indicated. The name, city, and country of the manufacturing company should be presented in parentheses where it first appears in the text. The international system (SI) should be used when writing units of measurement. The statistical methods used should be written in detail. In studies on animals, reference should be made to the rules of animal care.

This section should contain data obtained from the experiment. It can be supplemented with figures, graphs, or tables. Statistically significant points should be highlighted.

Each table should be given on a separate page and have a self-explanatory title. Table title should be named successively (such as Table 1, Table 2). If abbreviations are used in the table, clear expressions of abbreviations should be given in alphabetical order in the footnote at the bottom of the table. For example; ASD = atrial septal defect; PS = pulmonary stenosis; VSD = ventricular septal defect.

Each chart should be given on a separate page and have a self-explanatory title. It should be named consecutively in the text. The title, such as Figure 1, Figure 2, should be located below the figure. If abbreviations are used, the explicit form of these abbreviations should be written under the figure in alphabetical order. In microscopic pictures, a scale bar should be given along with the appropriate units. The necessary permissions must be obtained for photos, images, or graphics used from other sources. All images and drawings must be prepared in JPEG format.

In this section, the data obtained from the study should be interpreted. The authors can speculate when discussing the data, but one should not go beyond the results that are obtained.

In this section, the main result of the study should be clearly stated and its contribution to the field should be emphasized.

The author(s) may thank the people or organizations that provided support to the work in this section.

The sources cited in the study should be written in the text and in the list of sources in accordance with the format of the American Psychological Association (APA).

Presentation of the references in the text
References should be provided with the author's name and year. Nicol (1987) or (Nicol, 2015) for the sole author. For two authors, Newman and Leeson (2016) or (Newman and Leeson, 2016). For three or more authors, Akira et al. (2001) or (Akira et al., 2001). If a large number of sources are to be given, they should be given in chronological order with decolons placed between them. (Hugs et al., 2003; Carter and Mills, 2014; Lutz, 2016). Multiple sources belonging to the same author should be presented as follows: Johnson et al. (2007 and 2009), Johnson et al. (2015a and 2015b).

Presentation of the list of references
References should be written on a separate page using double space. The sources used in the text should be listed in alphabetical order according to the authors' surnames.

Surname A., & Surname, B. M. (Year). The beginning of the article. The name of the journal, Volume (issue), page number. For example; ERF, G. F. (2004). Cell-mediated immunity in poultry. Poultry Science, 83(4), 580-590. Or; Jung, K. and Saif, L. J. (2017). Goblet cell depletion in the villous and crypt epithelium of the small intestine of conventional nursing and weaned pigs infected with the swine epidemic diarrhea virus. Research in Veterinary Sciences, 110, 12-15. Padunglerk, A., Prasanpanich, P. and Kongmun P. (2017). The use of a by-product of monosodium glutamate in the cow's diet for the performance of lactating dairy cows. Journal of Animal Sciences, 88 (1). 86–93.

Surname A., Surname, a. C. and surname, B. (Year). The beginning of the book. City, Country of publication: Publishing House. For example; Abbas, A. K., Lichtman, A. H., and Power, J. S. (2000). Cellular and molecular immunology. 4. edition. Philadelphia, USA: W.B. Saunders. The National Research Council. (1994). Nutritional requirements of poultry. 9. pressing., Washington, USA: National Academic Press.

Chapter in a book
Surname, E. T, Surname, A. C. and surname, B. (Year). At the beginning of the chapter, T.S. In surnames (Ed). The beginning of the book (p. page numbers). City, Country of publication: Publishing House. For example, Lappin, M.R. and Turnwald, G. H., (2004). Microbiology and infectious diseases. M. D. Willard, D.C. In Twedt (Ed). Clinical diagnosis of small animals by laboratory methods 4. edition. (p. 332- 356). St. Louis, USA: W.B. Saunders.

Web Page
Surname, B. A. (Year, Month, Day of publication). The beginning of the article. Link Clements, M. (2010, December 4). Enriching free-range chickens and reducing feather pecking. Received - chickens-and-downers-feather-pecks

Congress, conference
Surname A. (Year, Month, Day). The beginning of the communiqué, the name of the conference, the City, the communiqué presented in the Country. For example; Marchioro, T., Salvano, A. O., and Bohm, A. (2016, September 27-30). Canine heartworm disease (Dirofilaria immitis) in Spain. 21. Communiqué presented at the World Congress of Small Animals. Istanbul, Turkey.

Arthur, A. R. (2016). The role of cytokines in the immune system. Ph.D. thesis, University of Washington, Seattle, US.

Rules for Preparing Posters
Posters should be prepared in sizes of 90 x 120 cm and should also be suitable for presentation in digital media.